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[Under sale] Tado Town Oyama land readjustment project

Approximately 6 minutes (approximately 3 km) from Kuwana Higashi IC
Approximately 6 minutes from Kuwana IC (approximately 3km)

所在地 | 桑名市播磨他 |
施工面積(合計) | 約66ha |
現状(R6.10現在) | 事業計画作成中 (環境アセスメント評価書作成中) |
都市計画 用途地域 | 市街化調整区域 (工業系の地区計画を計画中) |
優遇措置 | 桑名市企業立地奨励金など |
事業主体 | (仮称)桑名市播磨西部土地区画整理組合 設立準備委員会 |
事業許可予定時期 | 令和6年12月目標 |
Located in an area of approximately 67 ha adjacent to the center of Tado-cho, Kuwana City, Mie Prefecture, it is a residential area in harmony with nature (Toko Ward) and takes advantage of convenient transportation.
We are currently trying to measure the supply of industrial land (west construction area). It is located on a hill, making it an attractive location from a BCP perspective.
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